I mentioned in the introduction to this series post how I was introduced to the podcasting world mid- 2018. Yes, you read that right! I was this late to the party sadly! Thought late to the party, it was still the right time for me, as I am believer that what is yours will come in season. The beauty of podcasting is that there are so many topics one can engage with and I love that I can listen to podcast on my commute (when that was a thing J), or when I am cooking – literally you can listen anywhere which is epitome of learning on the go. In this season, where our routines have been disrupted, this is a ritual that I have come to practice daily. To make it easier to follow, I have broken down the podcasts I listen to into categories and we will be starting with Faith pillar. Below are the 5 faith based podcasts that I am loving and I think you may love as well.
- Chrystal’s Chronicles: If you know the Evans family, you will agree that they make ministering with family such a beautiful thing and I love everything about them. If you’ve watched War Room you know Priscilla Shirer but you may not know her sister Chrystal Evans-Hurst. She is an author, wife, mum, grandma and all time boss woman. Her podcasts is one of the mediums she uses to engage her audience on real, authentic, transparent conversations around faith, food and fitness that is fun and relatable. She is so raw and honest and always has the best guests on who are knowledgeable in their field. It’s such an easy listen and I find myself having “ah ha” moments multiple times on every episode. She has the same name blog which has all show notes and more goodness that you will love.
- The Bible Recap hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble: Abiola of Inner Circle introduced me to this podcast earlier in the year when she hosted a pilot slack group with individuals who wanted to commit to reading the bible. This is a podcast that accompanies a YouVersion Bible plan (with same name), that helps you read the bible in a year. It is such an easy listen and takes less than 8 minutes a day. The main aim of the podcast is to highlight the host’s “God Moments”, key messages, on the daily passages in the Bible plan. To get the most out of the podcast, you definitely need to be following the bible plan. This style of the podcast, I have personally found makes me read or listen to the passages of the day intentionally so I can find key messages. I am always keen to see what was a standout God moment for Tara because sometimes, it’s the same, but most times its different, which is beautiful and goes to highlight our individualized relationships with God. I also love that the chapters are ordered in a way that it makes the bible stories flow easily, especially with the summaries provided of every new book we start. The podcast and bible plan have become a part of my daily routine and a great way to start my day.
- Bloom: I just love Zim Flores! If you don’t know who she is, I don’t even know, no shade! She is known as the founder of Travel Noir, a black travel site which she sold to Blavity in 2017. She most recently founded Italicist, a platform that helps women find clothes that respect their standards. Zim describes herself as living missionally, seeking Jesus always which you can see in all she does and her platforms. The Bloom podcast is a column-style faith podcast that discusses various topics for every season of a woman’s journey. Topics have ranged from living on purpose, God’s take on what we wear, how to cultivate joy, learning to wait on God etc. I love that her responses to the topic submitted are all guided by the word of God. She reveals some of her personal journey in the hope that this will help inspire and teach her listeners as they navigate through life. Oh and her voice is just divine! I could listen to her all day!
- Cleaning up the Mental Mess by Caroline Leaf: If you have gone through any of my previous posts, I have stated my interest in understanding my mind and myself through therapy. This podcast is Therapy at home for me! Dr. Leaf is a Christian Neuroscientist, mental health and mind expert who shares her work through her books and research. She and her guests break down topics around relationships, dealing with loss & grief, self-acceptance and self – sabotage, as well as many other taboo mental health issues that affect our everyday life. They dissect these issues so beautifully providing practical and micro steps to help us understand and use our brain more effectively as it’s the epicenter for living. Follow her on socials for more tips and advice on the mind – body relationship. I love this conversation she had with Priscilla Shirer on whether Prayer is Scientific on her YouTube channel. Another one with Steven Furtick on Detoxing your mind on Elevation church series, Triggered. I will highly recommend this talk if you have an hour to spare.
- Voices of Change by Olajumoke Adenowo: Adenowo is an award winning Architect who is passionate about leadership and women development. This podcast is a broadcast dedicated to unleashing the transformational leader in you. She teaches to ask the right questions from those who offer to lead to help us discern good leader. Her advice is always wrapped in the word of God. My first time meeting her was at a conference she hosts called Awesome Treasures, a faith based NGO recognized by the UN which helps to raise transformational leaders in line with Sustainable Development Goals. Her energy was beautiful and I noticed how every opportunity she had, she used to share how God has been the main reason for her success.
These are some amazing platforms that encourage me to dig a little deeper in my spiritual life and honestly allow me to see and walk through my faith journey in everyday life. If you have listened to any of the above, please share your experience below. Also, I am always looking to learn and I know these are many more faith based podcasts out there, as such, if you are listening to any thought provoking pieces and conversation, do share in the comments below.